



Associate Professor in Demoetnoantropological Disciplines - DiSPS University of Salerno. Cultural Anthropologist, Ph.D.
Archaeological Officer and Head of the Archaeological Heritage Area of the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio of Salerno and Avellino.
Full Professor of Architecture at the Alberti Academy of Turin, formerly of design at the Brera Academy (2008-2023) and Carrara Academy (2022-2023), at the Milan Polytechnic School of Design (2008-2023), HOAA China (2017-2019), State University MI (2002-2005) and for masters at IULM (2017-2020). Visiting Professor in European Universities including: Porto, Lisbon, Madrid, Murcia, Malaga, Budapest, Krakow.
Associate Professor in Performing Arts at the University of Salerno. Specialised in Theatre History and Theatre Criticism at the Gitis-RATI (Russian Academy of Dramatic Art) in Moscow. She is a member of the editorial board of Acting Archives Review. Journal of studies on actors and acting and member of the teaching board of the Doctorate in ‘Methods and methodologies of archaeological and historical-artistic research’ at the University of Salerno.

Full Professor of Italian Literature at the University of Salerno (DISU).She is co-editor of the journal ‘Studi Italiani’ and of the series ‘Le Civiltà Letterarie’ (Edisud). She is a member of the National Executive of the Association of Italianists (ADI), of the Executive of the Interuniversity Study Centre ‘Edoardo Sanguineti’ and of the Interdepartmental Centre ‘Alfonso Gatto’.

Art Historian and Head of the Archaeological Heritage Area of the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio of Salerno and Avellino.
Official in charge of the Conservation and Enhancement Service of the Museum System and Book Heritage of the Province of Salerno.
Poet, writer, playwright and creator of the Cilento Poetry Prize - President of the Cilento Poetry Prize Commission.

Architect, Designer, Art Creator. Former Lecturer at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, former Director of the School of Design at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.

Art historian at the Ministry of Culture and director of the Central Institute for Intangible Heritage. He has taught or lectured at Sapienza University of Rome, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, University of Perugia, University of Siena, University of Molise, University of Bergamo.

Promotion and Communication Officer, Head of the Demo-ethno-anthropological Heritage and Intangible Assets Area of the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Salerno and Avellino - Head of the Cilento Poetry International Prize Project.

Full Professor of Theory of Art Criticism and Theory of Museums and Exhibitions in the Contemporary Age at the University of Salerno, where she coordinates the PhD in Methods and Methodologies of Archaeological and Art History Research. She has been a member of the scientific committee of the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome since 2018 and artistic director of the Filiberto and Bianca Menna Foundation in Salerno since 2022.